The Suzuki Frame was described in 1994. It is another dynamic external fixation device which uses rubber bands to provide distraction of the fracture site.
This frame, also made of a long and a short k-wire, allows rotation by maintaining a fixed distance between the two transverse wires. It also allows for distraction of the fragments and offloads the joint that it traverses.
Like the Hynes and Giddins device it is best applied to periarticular fractures around the PIPJ, and is an alternative to this.
A long and a short wire are required. The long wire becomes the point of rotation and the short wire provides the distraction force. (i.e. opposite to the Hynes and Giddins device).
Step 1 – The long wire is passed through the head of the proximal phalanx at the origin of the collaterals i.e. the centre point of rotation around the P1 head. The short wire is passed through the shaft beyond the fractures in the same transverse plane at 90 degrees to the axis of the bones.
Step 2 – The long wire is bent to provide ‘arms’ that extend beyond the short wire by some way.
Step 3 – Both wires are then bent in sequence to create hooks shown in the image below.
Step 4 – Elastic bands are then placed to join the hooks. (As per top image). Again, a third wire can be used if there is a need to correct joint subluxation.
Tip: It is important to image the fracture after placement of the elastic bands as it is possible to over distract the fracture with zealous application of elastic!