Local Flaps & Skin Graft Course
One week to go before we run our Local Flaps & Skin Graft Course and this time we are welcoming delegates from Hong Kong & Denmark alongside trainees from across
A Second Skin
Prof Vaiude presents his thinking around anatomy, surgery and fashion, entitled A Second Skin to LJMU Students for their collaborative research module leading to a collaboration with 2 post graduate
Hand Trauma Course
Our next Hand Trauma Course is just under a month away, for Plastic & Orthopaedic Surgery trainees from as far afield as Poland, on Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th February
New Course & New Course!
So we finished 2017 with a new course and we are starting 2018 with another – Performing for the ST3 Interview in Plastic Surgery is just about to start.
Khartoum, Sudan
Mr Bell will be visiting Khartoum, Sudan as part of the BSSH/Bfirst symposium on functional hand reconstruction where he will be delivering tendon reconstruction lectures and examining trainees taking the
Bringing Artistic Principles to Surgery
Surgical Art is delivering the first in a series of courses bringing artistic principles to surgery and surgeons. Prof Vaiude alongside Prof Wilkinson and Mark Roughley from The Face Lab
Sthetix Cosmetic Clinic
Prof Vaiude is talking to both patients and colleagues at Sthetix Cosmetic Clinic about his approach to facial surgery using a marriage of surgical and artistic principles.
Venetian Mask Makers
Prof Vaiude has a profound interest in collaborating with a range of disciplines and this month we pay a visit to some Venetian Mask Makers to explore how their understanding
Unique components of the Microsurgery & Flap Dissection Course
A unique porcine dissection model, extra and intra-vascular views and a digital microscopy laboratory are all being utilised right now on our Microsurgery & Flap Dissection Course.
Last Surgical Art Course of 2017
Everyone is feeling festive for the last Surgical-Art Course of 2017. It’s been a busy year for us and it continues with our latest course Artistic Perspectives for a Facial
Last Hand Fracture Fixation Course for 2017
Our last Hand Fracture Fixation Course of 2017 will take place on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd December.
BAPRAS Partnership
Surgical Art is partnering with BAPRAS today in the delivery of the Fundamental Skills for Plastic Surgery Course.
Manchester Science Festival
Prof Vaiude is presenting at the Whitworth Art Gallery as part of the Manchester Science Festival. He will presenting a talk on Art & Surgery as part of Facing Out
LJMU MA Art in Science Student Visit
Liverpool John Moores Univeristy Art in Science MA students visit Surgical Art and Prof Vaiude introduces them to Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and his perspectives on the marriage between Art
REACHE Northwest Partnership
Surgical Art are now partnering with REACHE Northwest to support refugee medics who are wanting to re-enter medicine in the UK, by providing free places on our skills courses.
Edge Hill University
Prof Vaiude is teaching allied health professionals at Edge Hill University about Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.